IE stops responding on particular website



I have IE 6, SP1, on WIN98. There is one particular website that
periodically IE6 stops responding to. the website enables us to put in a
number and pull up a record to view. We pull up the records one-by-one.
Sometimes we can pull up 5 in a row, sometimes10, but then when the next
record number is entered, IE just sits there. The microsoft flag waves but
there is no response.

We contacted the company for this website and they said it is our proxy
server. However, we put an exception in IE to not go through the PRoxy
server. This company has no further assistance for us.

We have one workstation that this seems to be okay on - versus 100 that
don't. We have gone through and compared/changed every IE setting but
cannot get past 20 record lookups.

System parameters as far as swap file and memory are consistent.

Any other ideas--- I still think it's a setting in IE ... but not sure.


Steve Buxton


I am having the same issue with all websites when I use my
IE6, SP1. Sometimes it will hang, sometimes it won't. I
am using W2K and I notice that when it does hang it will
only show about 2000K worth of memory used when normally
IE6 will use 9000K. Email me if you find anything and I
will do the same.


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