IE Error



Internet Explorer does not open. An error message says
Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to

Here are the details of the

Appname: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2505.0
ModName: winshow.dll
ModVer: Offset: 000a95e


I am having the same problems! At first, it would just pop up an error message at anytime during my online session and close, but now, it will not even open

I have a friend working on it, but I would appreciate any help you could give as well!


Same problems as a big handful of others.

Internet Explorer does not open. An error message says
Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to

Assume you are backdooring your may to this site by
clicking on the "click here" points at the bottom of the
error message. The "To see our data collection policy on
the web" "click here" gets you to a usable browser.

Frustrating??? Thank goodness the Mac G4 running Safari
as a browser sitting on the other desk works flawlessly,
as usual!

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