icon on desktop



Goodmorning, I have had WindowXP installed on my computer
and have just read the Introduction and it shows the
shortcut Icon please can one tell me how to do that
without calling a computer programer? Thank you so much


Hi hope you can help! I think I have deleted my recycle bin. I was using
the desktop icon cleanup and now my bin is gone! Any ideas how to get it

Sharon F

Hi hope you can help! I think I have deleted my recycle bin. I was using
the desktop icon cleanup and now my bin is gone! Any ideas how to get it

Try right clicking on the desktop and selecting Arrange Icons By.... In the
section towards the bottom of the Arrange Icons By list, you'll see "Show
Desktop Icons." If there is no check next to this item, click on it to add
one. Then look to see if the Recycle Bin has returned.

If no luck, the Bin may have been dragged off the screen and out of sight.
Try one of the Arrange By choices to "rope" the icon back into view.

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