Icon Desktop Spacing



The Icons on my Desktop that are arranged across the top of my computer screen are fairly tight together as I like them. However, the Icons I have arranged running vertically on my screen are too widely spaced. When I try to drag them closer they cover up part of the Icon I am dragging it next to. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can change space requirements between them, in order to align them near each other?



Noun 1. anal retentive personality - (psychoanalysis) a personality characterized by meticulous neatness and suspicion and reserve; said to be formed in early childhood by fixation during the anal stage of development (usually as a consequence of toilet training)

Hint: Seek help

The Icons on my Desktop that are arranged across the top of my computer screen are fairly tight together as I like them. However, the Icons I have arranged running vertically on my screen are too widely spaced. When I try to drag them closer they cover up part of the Icon I am dragging it next to. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can change space requirements between them, in order to align them near each other?



Goto Control panel,
double click Display,
Appearance tab,
Advanced button,
In the Item window click the down arrow,
Click Icon spacing vertical,
size 43 is the default size,
make changes as wanted,
click OK, Apply, OK
The Icons on my Desktop that are arranged across the top of my computer screen are fairly tight together as I like them. However, the Icons I have arranged running vertically on my screen are too widely spaced. When I try to drag them closer they cover up part of the Icon I am dragging it next to. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can change space requirements between them, in order to align them near each other?


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