IAF files for Outlook Express?


Nigel Molesworth

It seems that the format of IAF files has changed in Windows Mail, at
least I can't seem to import accounts into OE.

Is there a way to modify the IAF files for Outlook Express?

Gary VanderMolen

I used Vista's Windows Easy Transfer to transfer all my
accounts, settings, rules, and email from OE to WinMail.

Gary VanderMolen


None that I'm aware of but you can get the info (less password) from the
..oeaccount file within the message store. It's a simple XML file you can
open in Notepad.

Nigel Molesworth

It seems that the format of IAF files has changed in Windows Mail, at
least I can't seem to import accounts into OE.

I've been playing a bit more ...

I think the problem may be that the new format is in Unicode rather
than ASCII, there seems to be a "space" next to each letter when I
open in Notepad.


I tried that, but it's impossible to use it on vista since it's a 64bit.
that program you used is only compatible with 32bit systems.

any other solutions available? apart from going back to windows
XP where everything works. :)

Gary VanderMolen

This is one of many things that has shied me away from 64-bit Vista.
My PC supports 64-bit, but after hearing the horror stories I elected
to go with 32-bit Vista.

Gary VanderMolen

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