I need help!!!



I need some help. We just picked up my mom's computer from being repaired. It
ended up having to have the windows xp system recover Disk ran. So it was
just like it was when it was new. So we installed our stuff back in like the
virus, and spyware things. Then we installed adobe reader (my mom needs it
for her business) and did the windows update. After the update was done we
had to reboot. In the process of rebooting, it appeared to have froze
(atleast we thought it did), so we held in the power button to turn it off
and turn it back on. When we turned it back on we get the following message:

We appologize for the inconvience, but windows did not start sucessfully. A
recent hardware or software change might have caused this.
If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly or
was automaticly shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last
Known Good Configuration to revert to the most recent settings that worked.
If a previous startup attempt was interupted due to a power
failure or because the power or reset button was pressed, or if you aren't
sure what caused the problem , choose Start Windows Normally. (below are the
options to choose)

Safe Mode
Safe Mode With Networking
Safe Mode With Command Prompt

Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)

Start Windows Normally

Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.

Anyone know how to fix this?


I forgot to mention we also installed our printer along with the downloads I

Drew Tognola


Select 'Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that
worked)' with your up/down arrow keys. Then reinstall Adobe. Don't shut off
during installation this time.


Harry Ohrn

What problems were you seeing that necessitated the trip to the repair shop?
Was the system freezing up then? If so this could be hardware related. When
you began reinstalling all your "stuff" you would be placing a lot of demand
on the system. Ask the tech at the repair shop to explain what diagnostics
they ran to determine that all they needed to do was reinstall Windows.
While it is not fair to say that they may have taken an easy route by doing
a simple restore I do know that there are plenty of service centers that
don't do much exploration first.


The reason we took it to the shop was because we kept getting a blue screen
that said something about the bios. And it had errors that had popped up
also. The repair guy said it was the configureation and he fixed that and we
had him order us a recovery disk from hp for it since we didn't have one. So
he uninstalled windows and and reinstalled it and it was like new real fast
and stuff. Untill we installed the adobe reader and the window updates, and
hit the button when we thought it froze.

My brother emailed the guy who fixed it today and he called and left a
message so my brother is gonna call him tomorrow when I'm working. Hopefully
he can tell us what to do to fix it. My mom really can't afford taking it to
be fixed again. She just paid $100 to have it fixed and for the recovery disk.

I'll let ya know what we find out.


Gerry Cornell


"that said something about the bios"

The exact text of Error Messages is very important. We need to know what
the full message is?


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



Ok, here's what we did. We took the computer back to the repair guy and he
reinstalled the windows xp recovery disk. We got it back home and ran windows
update and it freezes. I think the only windows update now we need is the
service pack 2 update but everytime we try it freezes up. Is that an update
you have to have? Is anyone else having this problem with the update?

Gerry Cornell

What type of internet connection do you have? Is it broadband or 56k

At what point exactly does the problem using the Windows Update occur?

Order a free Windows XP SP2 CD from Microsoft. It's useful having one
around as a safeguard ( it can be used on any computer that has Windows
XP installed ) and it's easier and safer to install from the CD than
downloading from the web.

It will take a few days to reach you by post but it should resolve your
problem be useful if you have further problems involving SP2.

What CPU speed? How much RAM memory? Try Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring Task
Manager and
select the Performance Tab. What is the Commit Charge? What was the

How large is your hard drive? Is it partitioned? How much free space on
each drive / partition. How is the drive formatted -FAT32 or NTFS. To
get this information whilst in Windows Explorer place the cursor on the
drive, right click and select Properties.

Try Start, All Programmes, Accessories, System Tools, Disk CleanUp to
Empty your Recycle Bin and Remove Temporary Internet Files. Run Disk
Defragmenter by selecting Start, All Programs, Accessories, System
Tools, Disk Defragmenter.


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.


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