I have WLOC on 3PC's & asking steps to upgrade WD-Beta2 to Windows



I have WLOC on 3PC's
and asking - waht steps are required
to upgrade WD-Beta2 to Windows Defender


Gonna hazard a guess here that "WLOC" means:
Windows Live One Care

Geek w/o Portfolio
or a good understanding of Acronyms
(at first I thought it was a virus, really, I did!)

Stephen Boots MVP-MSN Client

I have WLOC on 3PC's
and asking - waht steps are required
to upgrade WD-Beta2 to Windows Defender
You can download and install the final Windows Defender onto your
systems or you can wait for OneCare to either push you to update
(don't know when this will happen) or update to v1.5 in the future
(currently in beta) which includes the Defender scan functionality
built in.

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