I.E. 6.0.2800 Not printing full with of page



Using XP Pro, when trying to print a web page from IE
6.0.2 to an HP 932, the right side of the page has about
one inch cut off. I have made sure the selected page
size is "letter" and even set the margins down to 5 mm,
but I still can't get the full width of the image on the
screen to print.

Thanks for any help.


Print in landscape mode.

Or if the printer has an option to "Fit to Page" use this.

The webpage has been designed for widths that are wider than a standard
sized letter page (usually for a monitor displaying in 1024x768 rather than
the old standard of 800x600 since most folks now have monitors 17" and
larger) and the page just cannot accommodate the wider size.



Thanks for your help, but following your advice, when I
switched to landscape mode it still cut off the same info.

Then after a little tinkering, it suddenly seemed to
correct itself, and back in portrait mode, words started
wrapping correctly so that I thought all the info was
being printed.

But on closer inspection, some words on the very right
hand side were dropped, and others just as far out, were
not. Then switching to portrait mode, all info was
included. There seems to be some voodoo going on.

I have seen the "fit width to page" option on some
programs such as 1-2-3, but not on others of the same
suite, such as Lotus Approach. You'd think it would
surely be available when printing Web pages from
Microsoft and Symantec, where they are giving very
detailed instructions such as editing the Registry. A
few dropped words or characters would cause disaster.


Fit to page is usually a feature of printer drivers and the printer
software. It's standard on all Canon printers, though I don't think I've
seen in on HP printers.


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