How to use Server Side Includes SSI with FP2k to display seperate ftp'd file on FP web page?



I want to set it up so someone can update a single file with a daily message
or notice or whatever and ftp it up to the web site I created with FP2k...
and for that daily message to be displayed inside a regular FP created
page... like an insert.

I understand I should use Server Side Includes... is this something I should
ask the ISP/host to do or is it some coed I can include in the FP web page?

thanks for any help.


chris leeds

can you use .asp on the server?
basically you'll need to make a subweb for him to make his changes to and
use an asp include or php or whatever.
you could even get one of those html editors like:
and let him make his changes to the pages live right through a web browser
and have those pages instantly visible on the web.

Thomas A. Rowe

You need to check with your host to see if you can use SSI and then what the
correct extension is required for the page that is to hold the include.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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