How to turn on "lock computer" option in shutdown and CTRL+ALD+DEL

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I have a tiny problem running WinXP. When I press the key sequence
CTRL+ALT+DEL it opens up Task Manager. Why would I want to have that
under CTRL+ALT+DEL when I have it under CTRL+SHIFT+ESC?!
Well, I just want the CTRL+ALT+DEL sequence to open up the standard
"menu" displaying several features I can click on (i.e. ShutDown,
Change Password, Task Manager, Lock computer,...). How do I do that? In
addition, the Lock computer option isn't shown in the Shutdown dialog.

I know I can Lock the computer using WinKey+L, but maybe I don't have
the windows key. :( How can I run the menu with CTRL+ALT+DEL and not
the Task Manager??

You can use this shortcut:
rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation

1.Right click empty space on desktop > Point to New > Click Shortcut > type
rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation
Click Next > Name it> Finish
2.Right click the shortcut > Choose properties
3. Place your cursor at Shortcut key section
4.Press the hotkey you want to use and that's not currently assigned to any
other shortcut.
5. Click OK

Note : You can place the shortcut in Quick Launch bar for a one-click
method, but the Shortcut key will only work if the shortcut is on Desktop or

Ayush [ Be ''?'' Happy ]

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| Hi!
| I have a tiny problem running WinXP. When I press the key sequence
| CTRL+ALT+DEL it opens up Task Manager. Why would I want to have that
| under CTRL+ALT+DEL when I have it under CTRL+SHIFT+ESC?!
| Well, I just want the CTRL+ALT+DEL sequence to open up the standard
| "menu" displaying several features I can click on (i.e. ShutDown,
| Change Password, Task Manager, Lock computer,...). How do I do that? In
| addition, the Lock computer option isn't shown in the Shutdown dialog.
| I know I can Lock the computer using WinKey+L, but maybe I don't have
| the windows key. :( How can I run the menu with CTRL+ALT+DEL and not
| the Task Manager??
| Thanks!