How to stop WinXPe from assigning new Volume GUIDs?



I have a custom application that's using Windows XP Embedded to perform
tasks on a machine. When XPe loads, it reassigns volume GUIDs throughout
the system. This causes a problem when the system is rebooted back to its
'native' Windows OS as the drive letters can be reassigned.

Example 1:

Machine's original volume configuration

M: - \disk(0)\partition(1)
N: - \disk(0)\partition(2)

Machine's volume configuration after booting in to XPe

M: -> C:
N: -> D:
O: -> E:

Example 2:

Machine's original volume configuration

M: - \disk(0)\partition(1)
M:\mount\ - Reparse point to local volume

Machine's volume configuration after booting in to XPe

M: -> C:
M:\mount\ -> D:

I've also run in to problems when booting XPe on a Win2k AD server with
standard C:, D: volume mountings. The change of volume GUIDs seems to break
the \SYSVOL\Staging Areas\<domain> junction point.

I need a way to either stop XPe from reassigning volume GUIDs, or a way to
manually change the GUIDs while in XPe so I can set them back.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)


I would personally use RAM EWF so every time you start XPe it would have original registry settings.
If not then you can use regedit to change offline registry or during the XPe runtime. (Your choice).
Some interesting info you can find here:

BTW: Why don't you boot XPe from C:. Since you move boot medium all volumes on it should stay constant.

Best Regards,

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