How to regain a clear IE without 3rd party extensions??

  • Thread starter Philippe Borel [Switzerland]
  • Start date

Philippe Borel [Switzerland]

Hi there,

After encountering some rather strange problems with script errors, I'd like
to regain now my original IE configuration. Indeed, before I had used for
some time the "Avant" Browser, but I have already uninstalled it by now.
However, it still left "traces" on my IE, as you can see it here:
< Moz/4.0 (MSIE 6.0; WinNT 5.1; Avant Browser [];
Hotbar; Hotbar; Hotbar >

So any valuable tips of how to proceed exactly in order to disable fully
this Avant Browser (+ Hotbar too?) on my IE would be very much
appreciated...thank you very much in advance.

Philippe Borel

Charlie Tame


Script errors can be caused by a diagnostic setting in IE so you may want to
check tools>internet options>advanced and near the top of the list choose
"Disable script debugging" and uncheck "Display a notification about every
script error"

Then look at these pages to see if any help remove the hotbar junk.

More Secure ActiveX Settings
Help Removing Parasites and AdWare


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