how to download IE6?



Where can I download the entire IE6 program? Please understand, I DO
NOT want to download the installation utility.

I want to download IE6, the complete package.

I've hunted for it on end up going in




Where can I download the entire IE6 program? Please understand, I DO
NOT want to download the installation utility.

I want to download IE6, the complete package.

I've hunted for it on end up going in




MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

(Reply to group, as return address
is invalid - that we may all benefit)


What is your OS? Did you ever have IE6? Some version comes with all Windows


I have XP, but I'm about to wipe the drive and reinstall from ground

I want to archive the complete IE6 prior to wiping the hard drive and
starting all over.

With all due respect, the link you gave is the same link I tried
earlier. IT DOES NOT download IE6. It downloads a 480K setup file,
which requires the internet connection in order to download and
install IE6 (after executing the setup).

This is not what i want............I can't be sure my computer will
come up with a working internet connection after the reinstall. So, an
internet dependent setup program is not OK.

Do I just convert to Netscape or is there an answer to this?



PA Bear

When you reinstall WinXP, IE is reinstalled at the same time. IOW you don't
need anything else. You can't "archive the complete IE6" (whatever that

Bruce Hagen

IE6 is an integral part of WinXP. If you reinstall XP, you will reinstall
IE6. So archiving should be your only issue. What is there that you wish to
archive other than your Favorites?


PA Bear and Bruce.............

I need to reinstall the operating system starting with a complete
wipe. I have and specific911 browser hijackers and a
horribly slow running system. These 2 browser hijackers are nearly
impossible to remove, google for them to find online forums discussing
these-you will see for yourself.

Since the system is running so poorly and defies corrective actions
(can't figure out what's wrong, believe me I've tried
everything).....we are going to reinstall XP after a complete wipe.

We are warned by our local computer shop NOT to operate IE with
activeX enabled and NOT to allow an internet connection until the
browser is 100 percent updated. Hence, my need to archive IE6 and to
update it from archived patches and security upgrades.

Having an unprotected version of IE6 on the internet while downloading
patches and security upgrades is not smart....I've seen unauthorized
activity with my I know how often hackers attempt to
access my system>:>

I have SP2 and most of the critical updates archived already, and can
do them without an internet connection.

As a backup, I have Netscape archived. And, will probably use it
instead of IE if there is no way to archive IE6.

To the best of my knowledge, Microsoft still insists activeX is not a
security issue and the OS still installs activeX without asking the
user:>: But, independent experts cannot undo the damage done by
browser hijackers because the hijackers software hides well and defies
removal. When Microsoft decides to address this problem, we will
probably decide to use IE6 as the default browser.

I find it hard to believe that there is no way to install a fully
protected and updated IE6 without an internet connection and the
imminent security risk associated with an internet connection while
IE6 is being updated.



It won't in WinXP.

Bill puts something in XP to deliberately prevent one from using this
method of installing IE6 without a live internet connection????

My local computer shop has a method of doing this, so it is possible
to do.

It seems reasonable that a customer should be able to install updated
software for IE without subjecting the unprotected browser to the
hazards associated with a real time connection to the internet.

Thanks to PAbear and to DonnyB.


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