How do I turn off the Filterkeys



Holding down the right shift key for 8 seconds turn on Filterkeys. How do I
get rid of it?

* my e-mail address is
(e-mail address removed)

Douglas J. Steele

This newsgroup is for questions about queries in Access, the database
product that's part of Office Professional.

That having been said, FilterKeys is part of the Accessibility Options. Go
into the Control Panel and find the Accessibility Options applet. FilterKeys
is on the Keyboard tab. If you have further questions, you'd be better off
posting them to a newsgroup related to whatever version of Windows you're

BTW, you should never post your real address in the newsgroups. There are
many unscrupulous people who harvest e-mail addresses from newsgroups and
sell them to spammers. You're going to be inundated...

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