I wiped my HDD and installed Windows XP Professional w/SP2, I want to
update to SP3
I have two options jump to KB936929 or Review and install other
updates; here is where I am lost. If I Review and install other
updates, under High-priority updates, there are More than 100 Security
Update a few Update for Windows XP that I guess they could be
including in SP3. How to know which KB’s are including in SP3?
What I want to install
Components: Internet Information Services (IIS) and its updates
Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 and its updates, (Flight
Simulator requires)
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: x86 (KB829019) (I will require
for Nlite)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.x
Windows Media Player 10 (My
PDA is old)
What I do not want to install
Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP
Windows Search 4.0 for Windows XP (KB940157)
Windows Media Player 11
Windows Live Essentials
Microsoft Office Live Add-in
I do not want to install SP3 and don’t have the option to install what
I want or
I do not want to install SP3 what I do not want
So before do nothing better ask
Thank in advance for any help or suggestion you can provide
Antonio Macias
update to SP3
I have two options jump to KB936929 or Review and install other
updates; here is where I am lost. If I Review and install other
updates, under High-priority updates, there are More than 100 Security
Update a few Update for Windows XP that I guess they could be
including in SP3. How to know which KB’s are including in SP3?
What I want to install
Components: Internet Information Services (IIS) and its updates
Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 and its updates, (Flight
Simulator requires)
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0: x86 (KB829019) (I will require
for Nlite)
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.x
Windows Media Player 10 (My
PDA is old)
What I do not want to install
Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP
Windows Search 4.0 for Windows XP (KB940157)
Windows Media Player 11
Windows Live Essentials
Microsoft Office Live Add-in
I do not want to install SP3 and don’t have the option to install what
I want or
I do not want to install SP3 what I do not want
So before do nothing better ask
Thank in advance for any help or suggestion you can provide
Antonio Macias