How do I do a Windows Repair?


John Gudgin

Can someone please tell me how to do a Windows Repair.
I put the disc that came with my pc in the C: and get a warning telling me
that the conctents of the C: will be deleted.
Is there anyway I can start a windows repair from the web or something like

Any help would be apreciated.
Many Thanks


Its possible the restore disk supplied with your sys will only perform a
clean install.
If that is the case you will lose all on C, so backup any data first, and
importantly ensure your backup is 'good'
Your PC manu site, or manual, may have more info.


also, many system that only provide the restore disks, actually have all the
setup files for windows on the drive. this is also evident if you have the
windows product key sticker on the computer. look for an /i386 folder and
or subfolders and see if you have a "setup". if so, then maybr your in luck
and can do a repair....

John Gudgin

I'm sure I've got an /i386 folder.
If I find the setup file do I just double click on it?
Will this not erase the data on C:?

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