How can I create new reference types in the cross-references list

  • Thread starter Thread starter rouennais
  • Start date Start date


Is there a way I can add reference types to the defaults already given in the
create cross-references list (i.e., numbered item, heading, bookmark,
footnote, endnote, equation, figure, table)? I'd like to find a way to
cross-reference any SEQ field I create.
Generally, you cannot create additional reference types. (There is one
exception, namely if you create custom Caption labels; these are added by
Word to the cross-reference list.) What you can do is manually bookmark the
SEQ fields and then insert cross-references to the bookmarks.
I was afraid that that might be the answer. Thanks for your reply, even
though it wasn't what I hoped to hear.

Bookmarking won't be practical in this instance since I have literally
hundreds of SEQ fields I'd like to cross-reference.
Maybe someone knows a macro that would simplify the task? Ask in a
programming newsgroup such as microsoft.public.word.vba.general for