Help with opening Outlook


Jorge Cervantes

I am currently using 2003Microsoft Office Suit.
Outlook has been working just fine until yesterday.
When I tried to open 2003 Outlook this morning, I am getting the following

"Unable to open your default-email folders. The file c:\Documents and
settings.......\Outlook\Outlook.pst is not a personal folders file".

So I am unable to open Outlook. Help would be appreciated.

K. Orland

With Outlook closed, try running a repair on your PST file. Do a file/folder
search for scanpst.exe. Double-click it and follow the instructions, which
will include browsing to the location of your PST file. Let it scan and make
repairs, then run it again. When it no longer finds any errors to repair,
open Outlook to see if that resolves the issue.

Jorge Cervantes

Do a file/folder search for scanpst.exe.

The problem is that I am not able to open Outlook for file/folder.
If I click "X" on the error box, Outlook screen disappears from the screen.

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