Help with HTML Help



I am using Access 2002 and HTML Help Workshop 4.74.

I created a .chm file with the tool and added buttons to my forms to make
calls to the HMTLHelp API. I noticed that if I didn't close the help window
that got open within Access, I wasn't able to compile my .chm file. This made
sense since the file was open, the compiler could not proceed. I added a
another button to another form to close the help window calling HTMLHelp with
HH_CLOSE_ALL command as follows:
Call HtmlHelp(0, "", HH_CLOSE_ALL, 0)

Everything was good for several days, then suddenly yesterday when I opened
the help window within Access, the text pane contains 'Action Cancelled', but
the Contents and Index tabs are ok. If I click on one of these items, the
'The Page Cannot be displayed" message is displayed. In this mode if I double
directly on my .chm file, it works fine. It just won't open properly within
The .cmh has been growing over this period, so perhaps I thought it was
something I added, so I stripped it down to one topic, with no links, and
still no luck within Access. Last night, I was closing down Access, and
received a 'Sorry for the Inconvenience' messsage. After this I was able to
successfully open my help file within Access, but that was short lived. Today
I am back to the text pane (on the right) containing error messages. After
many hours of trying anything that I can imagine, I cannot get it to work.
Rebooting the computer didn't help???
Has anybody come across this problem, any help would be appreciated, thanks
in advance.


Additional Info:

If I use an absolute path to my .chm file in the file parameter of the
HTMLHelp API, my help file works. It will not work if I use a UNC path.
Since I don't know where my database will end up getting installed, this is
the code I had:
Call HtmlHelp(0, CurrentProject.Path & "\Help\Help.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC,
ByVal strTopic)

To test, I replaced 'CurrentProject.Path & "\Help\Help.chm"' with the
absolute path and it worked. The problem is that I cannot use the absolute
path since other copies of the database running on other computers need to
access the help file on the database server.

As another test, I restored the call to:
HtmlHelp(0, CurrentProject.Path & "\Help\Help.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, ByVal
and changed the target command in my startup icon on the server from UNC to
absolute. I started up the database and the help file worked. But I didn't
expect the help file to work from a client computer since the command in the
startup icon on a client must use UNC notation (it must go through the
network). To my surprise, it worked???

The question is, why is the help file working on a client computer using UNC
notation, but does not work on the server using UNC???

These are the observations I made after many hours of trying to isolate this
issue. If there is a better way to this or if I have misunderstood some
concept please help.
Thank You!!

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