
hello i have a sony vaio computer that has a program called giga packet
that you can rec like a tivo and click to dvd that you can copy it to
dvd and i am having error problems when copy to the dvd some times i get
a runtime error or an error has occurred please exit the program (iD;P)
is there any way to stop this from happening any info would be gr8

Miss Perspicacia Tick

hello i have a sony vaio computer that has a program called giga
packet that you can rec like a tivo and click to dvd that you can
copy it to dvd and i am having error problems when copy to the dvd
some times i get a runtime error or an error has occurred please exit
the program (iD;P) is there any way to stop this from happening any
info would be gr8 thanks

When you can learn to post using the proper nuances of written English (i.e.
sentences, punctuation and correct grammar and spelling would be nice, too,
as would losing the SMS-speak) you'll be taken seriously. I am not going to
waste my time mentally inserting the punctuation and capital letters.


Waking up in the morning is wasting time for you, and every one else for
that matter.Obnoxious c*nt


Miss Perspicacia Tick,
While not expressing the same invective as Bob, I agree with his sentiment
As for your grammar and punctuation.
( ) are not required before and after i.e. neither is "too" after nice.
1 "and " not two would have been correct.
There is no "the" required between "inserting" and " punctuation".
While I agree some posts' are badly written and occasionally require a rebuke
there should be no arrogance involved, your reply to this person smacks of it.
Instead of being right why don't you try to help, if unable too, do not reply.
You owe this person an apology, I feel however
it would take a humbleness and courage that thus far you have demonstrated
you do not possess, your actions will say otherwise.


Miss Perspicacia Tick,
While not expressing the same invective as Bob, I agree with his sentiment
As for your grammar and punctuation.
( ) are not required before and after i.e. neither is "too" after nice.
1 "and " not two would have been correct.
There is no "the" required between "inserting" and " punctuation".
While I agree some posts' are badly written and occasionally require a rebuke
there should be no arrogance involved, your reply to this person smacks of it.
Instead of being right why don't you try to help, if unable too, do not reply.
You owe this person an apology, I feel however
it would take a humbleness and courage that thus far you have demonstrated
you do not possess, your actions will say otherwise.

Bob said:
Waking up in the morning is wasting time for you, and every one else for
that matter.Obnoxious c*nt


i would try to uninstall and reinstall but it came with my computer so i
don't know what to do thanks 4 the help

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

Read your PC manual and look for the section on how to uninstall and
reinstall individual applications.

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