Access Passing the value to a table

Feb 16, 2018
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Hi, I've got three tables. I want to create a form [unbound type] that passes the value of the form to the table. My form works like this, First I need to enter the customerID, second, I created a combo box which displays all of my products and the third one is my Quantity. I need to click the Add&Save button so that it will be inserted into my orderT but a problem occurs.

Private Sub Command17_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rec As Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from Order")=> This is my table to be insert with IDs from the other two tables.

rec("CustID") = Me.txtCustomerID /* I need to insert my ID of customer */
rec("ProdID") = Me.txtProdID /* I need to insert the product ID */
rec("Qty") = Me.txtQuantity /* I need to insert the quantity*/

Set rec = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

After running I got this run-time error 3131, syntax error in FROM clause =>Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from Order")

Try This
Private Sub cmdSaveRecord

Dim dB as Database
Dim Rs as Recordset

Set dB = currentdb
set Rs = dB.OpenRecordset("TableName", DbOpenTable)

with Rs
.Fields("CustID") = txtCustomerID 'Insert ID
.Fields("ProdID") = txtProdID
.Fields("Qty") = txtQuantity
end with

set Rs = nothing
set dB = nothing

end sub