Help - Windows cannot find MSCONFIG



Hello All,

I've been trying to run MSCONFIG but it comes up with a error message which
states that 'Windows cannot find msconfig....'.

How do I get it back on my system ?

My system is Windows XP Home Edition 2002
Service Pack 3.

Please help me. I would really appreciate it.


Caroline x

Pegasus \(MVP\)

If you click Start / Run, then type msconfig.exe then Windows will find it.
You could also click Start / Search to locate it.

Detlev Dreyer

Cazzythom said:
I've been trying to run MSCONFIG but it comes up with a error message
which states that 'Windows cannot find msconfig....'.

How do I get it back on my system ?

Make sure that MSCONFIG.EXE is located in %windir%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries
If this is the case, create a System Restore point.
Next, Start > Run: Regedit. Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths
Make sure that the subkey "MSCONFIG.EXE" exists. Set the default value in
the right pane to "C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\MSConfig.exe"
(w/o quotes, adapt C:\WINDOWS if necessary). Create the string value "Path"
(right pane) and set its value to C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries"
(w/o quotes, adapt C:\WINDOWS if necessary). Scan your system for malware
since nothing comes out of the blue.


Hi Pegasus

Thanks for the advice. I ended up downloadin msconfig from a site and its
there now. But still when i type msconfig or with .exe on the end, it doesn't
bring it up, instead i get the error message. How do I get it to come up on
screen when I type the command in run?

When I have searched for msconfig I got loadsa files come up. Is there a
particular way odf setting one of these files up so that I can type msconfig
in RUN and it come up as it normal did ?

Thanks for your time...

Caroline x

Don''t Worry, Be Happy !!!

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Here are two options:
a) Follow Detlev's advice. This is the standard configuration.
b) Put msconfig.exe into the folder c:\windows\system32.


Hi Pegasus & Detlev,

I tried to see if the file MSCONFIG.EXE axisted as advised by Detlev and it
didn't, so as I was unsure of what to do next, I put the file that I
downloaded MSCONFIG.EXE into c:\windows\system32 as advised by Pegasus and
now it comes up when I enter the command into the RUN field.

Thankyou very much for your help with this. The only problem is now...when I
look at all the Services that are running or stopped, I have no real idea
which of these should be running/stopped or even there at all. Is there
anywhere you can find this out. I am sure I have a load of rubbish on my
system that is causing me all sorts of problems. If I could get rid of waste
of time files on my PC, I'm sure it would make a difference.

Thankyou again for solving my initial problem. I'm very grateful.

Caroline x

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Detlev advised you to put the file into the folder
%windir%\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries which usually translates to
However, as I said before, the folder c:\Windows\System32 will do too.

Here is a 10-step strategy you can use to prevent your system from loading
all sorts of rubbish:
1. Launch msconfig.exe.
2. Click the Startup tab.
3. Click the "Disable all" button.
4. Tick every box that relates to your virus scanner and to your firewall
(if you have one).
5. Click the Services tab.
6. Tick "Hide Microsoft Services".
7. Click the "Disable all" button.
8. Tick every box that relates to your virus scanner and to your firewall
(if you have one).
9. Reboot the machine.
10. Each time you find that something no longer works they way it used to,
locate it in msconfig and place a tick mark next to it.

If these steps mean nothing to you, ask a computer-savvy friend to help you.


Dear Detlev & Pegasus,

Thankyou so much for your help, you have reallu reallu helped me.
My knights in shining armour !!!

Many Thanks,


Detlev Dreyer

Cazzythom said:
Dear Detlev & Pegasus,

Thankyou so much for your help, you have reallu reallu helped me.
My knights in shining armour !!!

LOL! You are most welcome, Caroline.

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