I was surfing the net when AVG tells me I have a trojan horse. Avg then
reacted slowly as i tried to remove the threat and crashed? Now my machine is
infected with this trojan horse that AVG wont find or remove and every 10
seconds windows pop up asking me if i want poker or life insurance etc....?
Is anyone familiar with this virus? How can i get rid of it? any help most
Preferred practice is to 'flatten' and rebuild a computer that has been
exposed to malware.
It is defenitely advantageous to create an 'image' of the operating system
and create a data/file backup of the affected PC.
The image can then restored to the impacted PC and the user's data/file is
subsequently restored to the operating system.
An experienced and properly prepared user can do that in substantial less
time than scanning with complex and sophisticated AV applications.
Alas, since many users are less prepared and/or lacking the experience;
Scanning with an AV apps. is the only option, unless the user consults a
computer technician.
Try this:
1. Go to Avira and download the rescue cd
Exit the program, when you do, it'll ask if you'd like to save the iso, say
yes. Choose a good name and location. You can use freely available cd
burning software to make the disc.
Reboot the machine from the aforementioned disk, let it rename all things
it cant clean; You can find the setting under configuration. Not a very
complicated program.
Malwarebytes© Corporation - Anti-Malware
Kaspersky® Virus Removal Tool
....and finish the cleanup.
Kaspersky® Virus Removal Tool has no update feature (so it doesn't turn
into a full blown scanner). As soon as your computer is cleaned you are
supposed to remove this tools from your operating system and revert back to
your (updated) resident (real-time) AV application.
To uninstall/move this program 'enable self-defense' must be unchecked!
To scan your computer with the most up-to-date Kaspersky® AVPTool virus
database next time you should download new Kaspersky® AVPTool packages.
Good luck