
Apr 13, 2005
Reaction score

First time for me on a forum. Have been looking hier on the site on from time toe time. I am from holland so pleas for get mij grammar. Have learnt alot hier already and have en spent many hours on the site.

Thankx Pieter
Hiya Pieter, nice to see you here.

Welcome :)

Look forward to hearing from you and don't worry about spelling & stuff.
Hi Pieter!

Where abouts in Holland do you live? My aunt and uncle live in Holland and my dad used to live in Amsterdam


Welcome to our part of cyberspace!:)

Need not worry about your english, it is perfectly understandable. :D
Spelling? what's that ... I use MSWord

Hello, and Welcome ...

Hey, and welcome :)

Its good to see people from countries other than the U.K. (and the U.S.) joining us. Some ppl have put a hell of a lot of work into the site, and they deserve the site to be recognised.

Pietercool... May I ask how you heard about PCReview?

I was looking on interet (Google) for reviews on hardware. And came found this site liked the look of it and got hooked. Have been reading and learning alot on the site lately.