Hello from me!


Sunflower Queen
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score

I'm Gabriella from Doncaster, South Yorkshire (UK). Been fascinated by computers for the last 4 years when my former employer gave me a lovely laptop, a few wires and gizmos and sent me on my way to work remotely and at the office - I hadn't a scooby do what to do! I had to learn pretty quickly with IT support hundreds of miles away if you could get hold of them.

I've changed jobs since then and really miss my laptop - I may even venture into a purchase before too much longer.

I have been a member since May this year, mainly through an interest in an internet computer company who didn't do what it said on the tin. I've found lots of helpful advice and lovely people on the forums and am really pleased to be a member!

That's me...

Gabriella x
Glad to have you here Gabriella, you are one of the few females we have on the site ;)

Laptops are great, and I really miss not having one anymore too - especially good for watching DVDs on long journeys on Trains :)
Love your little animal Muckshifter - how do you get little things like that on your messages - also what about the witty 'sign offs' that people have - how do you do that?

Updated a few bits 2nite on my profile - had a panic as the site thought I was a newby - managed to get back on OK and it remembered me.

Love this site - it's cae!

Gabriella x
Sorry - cordless keyboard that doesn't always keep up with me - that should read 'ace' not 'cae'!!.

Gabriella xx
Welcome aboard, gabriella, nice to have you here :)

For pix in your sig, you'll need to have some web space and host it on that web space.

Then go to your profile/edit profile.

And type in a link similar to this (without gaps):

[ img ]www. gabriellaswebspace. com/pictures/mysigpic.jpg [ /img ]
Dear Floppy

That is way too technical for me....do the instuctions come in an 'idiots guide' please. I am willing and eager but need a 'Janet and John' approach (pretty please!!)

Gabriella xx
Hey Gabriella - For the "witty sign offs" you just type what you want in the signatures section. you can change font, size, colour etc etc - see mine :D

I would like a laptop - the thing is they are £££££££££££££ and whilst much more expensive than desktops, they do not perform as well - perfect for the general home user who uses the internet, outlook, word and excel but when you play demanding games you need the performance.

Maybe once im running my 3rd part time job (Waiter at local golf club, have an application form for tescos and build computers for people who want them at no or small profit) then i can save up and have the best of both worlds!

just while im here, you said in the other thread, Nadia admitted she is a he! What did everyone say? do they now all think shes a freak? was Marco suddenly up for a buggerin?
Well... need to be careful what I say here... some very intimate questions about the practical aspects of changing from a male to a female best sums it up...have u got Sky cos E4 runs most of the time? Well worth a watch I think althou others think we have lost the plot I am sure..........

Let me have alook at yr tips 2morro about signature sign offs etc....

Tell me... any sale on the PC yet?

Kind regards

Gabriella xx
Dear Chris (again)

I can live without the demanding games ... I spend loads of time on the train and (very boringly) need to do loads of work in Word/ Xcel etc...... so a nice laptop would do me very nicely.........

Maybe Santa might oblige (don't think so!!!!!)

Gabriella xx
Unfortunatly no sale on the PC yet...damn.

Shall just have to stick with this one for a couple years then i guess.

Will stick E4 on tomorrow or watch CH4 repeats and see what happened!
That would be awesome - how would we go about doing such a thing though?

I dont think theres a method i havent tried bar hiring a C130 Hercules and dropping little ad leaflets from 4,000 feet...;)
Dear Chirs

Not sure...will sleep on the idea..bb 2morro nite after work.....

Gabriella xx

Welcome and sorry as well to post so late, everyone else has been prompt in doing so :) I am glad to know a LADY is actively participating in the forum activity. We have another nice LADY on board who also is pretty active (The one with Audrey Hepburn's pic) and you probably know who!

I hope you enjoy as much as we all do here participating in discussions on not just computers but many other things. This was the first forum on the web that I joined and never left since all the guys here have some sort of magnetism which is difficult to resist. Great people and a great forum, hope you will find it likewise!


Dear Quadophile

Thanks for your lovely message, I quite agree with your comments about people having magnetism - I have tried other PC forums and do still browse around them, but I don't feel half as much at home as I do on this one!

Lovely people and it's nice to have a chat about things other than PCs from time to time - I know that people feel Chris and I have lost the plot with BB but you need to do something to chill out from time to time!

Kind regards

Gabriella x