Have I missed it or am I simply unique to, my guess , I missed it!



Being in the communication business for decades I tend to provide too much
detail and we all know that is not often a good asset in user groups. In
hopes to demonstrate my respect, the next sentence is my plea for help and if
you are capable and more importantly interested in offering input, you can
read more details below the example.

Is there a way that a macro, or something else, can complete this specific
step-by-step process? And if yes, where can I locate macros for dummy
information to build it?

This is the exact process used one for each e-mail, if utilizing voice
recognition for example.

EXAMPLE: from an e-mail list with 1 e-mail highlighted accomplish: reply
to the e-mail, select all, copy, close the original e-mail, opened new
journal entry, paste, Two and allow input for it be. Company, categories,
contacts, subject, and entry type fields. Then save and close.

A side note by dragging and dropping that e-mail on the journal icon
populates many of the fields that require adding to in the above example.
That's good for my need so if that was somehow available would be even better.

Here is a specific example of how the above process would be done using
voice commands.

Actions (Focus on Menu Item)
Select All
File (Focus on Menu Item)
Edit (Focus on Menu Item)
Move to Folder
Edit (Focus on Menu Item)
Company (Move curser to Field within Journal Entry)
Listen to me (Prompt (at least pause) for Voice Input (even typed input
would work if need be)

Categories (Move curser to Field within Journal Entry)
Listen to me (Prompt (at least pause) for Voice Input (even typed input
would work if need be)

Contacts (Move curser to Field within Journal Entry)
Listen to me (Prompt (at least pause) for Voice Input (even typed input
would work if need be)

Subject (Move curser to Field within Journal Entry)
Select all
Listen to me (Prompt (at least pause) for Voice Input (even typed input
would work if need be)

Entry Type (Move curser to Field within Journal Entry)
Listen to me (Prompt (at least pause) for Voice Input (even typed input
would work if need be)


For probably five years now, I have utilized Microsoft Outlook to plan,
follow, remind, track and finally report, nearly every aspect of a small
team’s daily function. In the last year, we broke 60,000 individual
completed tasks for a one year period. Obviously with that kind of volume,
the smallest of timesaving mechanisms is substantial to me. So if anyone
could offer some advice, clarification or even a good reference URL or thread
to point me in the right direction, I would certainly appreciate it. Perhaps
there is a setting or a customization that I'm not aware of or perhaps a
macro a plug-in, something.

All I'm really looking to do is to take various Outlook items, but for this
example, I'll use e-mails only and move them into a new journal entry while
retaining header, body and other areas of the e-mail. I am certainly
familiar with the drag-and-drop process or the move to folder options
currently available because we use them every day. Even with the manual
process there is one thing that doesn’t work for me, and that is that the
when an e-mail is place into a new journal entry wither by manual drag and
drop or automated logging, the actually header information and actual body of
item is not physically stored within the journal entry itself. Yes, it can
be accomplished if the mail is moved or copy and pasted there but that takes
a good bit of time when you think of doing that tens of thousands of times
per year (believe me, it adds up fast)

The reason and that the physical information needs to be with in the journal
entry itself and not the normal link is because e-mail and are in arm is
moved constantly and the links are broken very quickly.

Tried writing a macro for the process, and not been very familiar with
Visual Basic I failed terribly and come close to some type of timed macro but
could never slowed the process enough to truly function correctly. So where
do I go from here?

Again, Thank You

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Such a macro could be built, but you won't find one on the shelf that does
exactly what you describe. If you're new to Outlook VBA macros, these web
pages should help you get started:


Note that you would be using Outlook's "objects" not automating keystrokes
and menus (although that is an alternative approach, using SendKeys).

The example at http://www.outlookcode.com/codedetail.aspx?id=645 shows how
to create a task from a mail message, and so bears some similarity to your
journal scenario.

FYI, there is a newsgroup specifically for general Outlook programming
issues "down the hall" at microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba or, via web
interface, at

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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