Hard Disk Failure

  • Thread starter Thread starter DannyBoy
  • Start date Start date
Hi I have checked the drive (physically for the 32 GB jumper and it is
not set to that.. Only jumper is now set to slave where originally it
was set to cable select.)
When I go into setup it reports the disk to be 33822MB but the actual
disk size is 160 GB. Also using Computer Management the disk shows
31.50 GB Healthy put no file system i.e. it does not display NTFS /

You should get someone with a fresh outlook to check the jumpers.
You should get someone with a fresh outlook to check the jumpers.

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Hi there all

I have reformatted the drive to the correct partition sizes. I
formatted the fubar partition using NTFS. Know I am in the process of
running a tool called "Recover My Files" on the affected partition. It
has been running for some 26 hours and is still only two thirds
complete. The program is suggesting that it has found quite a lot of
the files that I wanted to keep i.e. zips, rar, mp3, word etc.. I will
post again once the operation is complete and let you know how many
(if any) files I actually manage to retrieve.

Once again I want to thank one and all for their help and advice!

