Getting EXIF infomation to view


Corey Wilner

I've got a couple of XP machines and each acts differently
if I right-click on a photo, select properties -> Summary -
Advanced. Some give me all the EXIF information in the
file (which is what I want to see) and some just pull up a
few items not related to the camera. I know the
information is there, because if I open the .jpg with
photoshop, I can see the EXIF details.

Anyone know the trick to seeing the EXIF information in
Windows Explorer?

Yves Alarie

Reset this way:
Click on Start, click on Run and type the following in the textbox:
and press the Enter key.
Note that there is a space between ...32 and SHI...

This will work on original photo files. If you edited the files, then it
depends. Some software (particularly older versions) did not read the EXIF
file and therefore if you Save as, this info is lost.

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