Future of Access/VBA?



I have heard rumors that Microsoft wants to do away with both.

Access is supposed to be replaced with SQL-Express. And VBA is
supposed to replaced with I-don't-know-what.

Any truth to any of that?

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

walterbyrd said:
I have heard rumors that Microsoft wants to do away with both.

Access is supposed to be replaced with SQL-Express. And VBA is
supposed to replaced with I-don't-know-what.

Any truth to any of that?

Knowing several folks at Microsoft, I can say with assurance that neither
will happen over the next several versions.

Tony Toews [MVP]

walterbyrd said:
I have heard rumors that Microsoft wants to do away with both.

Access is supposed to be replaced with SQL-Express. And VBA is
supposed to replaced with I-don't-know-what.

Any truth to any of that?

None whatsoever. We've been reading those same rumours since about
1994 when Access 2.0 came out.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Larry Linson

I don't doubt that there are those inside Microsoft who do, but that's not
the "prevailing attitude" in the Office deveopment team nor the Access
development team. It's mostly those whose products are threatened by the
existence of "this little desktop database" that turned out to be
surprisingly useful for many business functions and features.

Contrary to what you may have heard, or read, Access is not a database
engine; it is a front-end for developing database and for end-user
interaction, that, prior to Access 2007 by default, installed and used the
Jet database engine. SQL Server Express is a database engine and can't be
used to develop applications.

I don't doubt that there are those inside Microsoft who would like to see
VBA supplanted by some other scripting scheme (like the DotNet languages).
I have seen no evidence that including the DotNet languages in Visual Studio
Tools for Office brought about any groundswell of enthusiasm, except among
those already using Visual Studio languages.
*> 1994 when Access 2.0 came out.

Ah, Tony, I think there are those who contend that Access "went away" when
16-bit Access 2.0 was succeeded by 32-bit Access 95. <GRIN>

David W. Fenton

I have heard rumors that Microsoft wants to do away with both.

You're listening to people who are idiots who don't have a clue what
they are talking about. Ignore them.

David W. Fenton

Access is supposed to be replaced with SQL-Express. And VBA is
supposed to replaced with I-don't-know-what.

How in the world could Access, an application development platform,
be replaced with a mere database engine?

On the face of it, the claim is COMPLETE NONSENSE.

Of course, perhaps they meant *Jet* is to be replaced by SQL
Express. In that case, the person making the claim has demonstrated
that they are pig-ignorant in using "Access" when they mean "Jet"
and probably don't understand the distinction between the two. This
discredits any claim they might make about the future of Access,
which they just don't have a clue about to begin with.

David W. Fenton

I might add, that this myth is usually perpetrated by someone
trying to sell you on a far more expensive solution, which may not
work as well as one you may have now. The only thing that needs
replacing is the person who's trying to sell you the more
expensive solution.

And it's almost always someone who has little or no comprehension of
Access and its capabilities, nor of how to use Access as front end
to non-Jet databases.

Tony Toews [MVP]

David W. Fenton said:
And it's almost always someone who has little or no comprehension of
Access and its capabilities, nor of how to use Access as front end
to non-Jet databases.

Sounds like the definition of manager, consultant or politician. IOW
no technical skills and bungles the jargon that they think they know.

I fired a client because they hired one such. It just got too
stressful dealing with him.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/

David W. Fenton

Sounds like the definition of manager, consultant or politician.
IOW no technical skills and bungles the jargon that they think
they know.

I fired a client because they hired one such. It just got too
stressful dealing with him.

I just read your blog entry on that. I have not had to work with
those types, fortunately, at least not in IT -- plenty of them in
non-IT management, though.

Tony Toews [MVP]

David W. Fenton said:
I just read your blog entry on that. I have not had to work with
those types, fortunately, at least not in IT -- plenty of them in
non-IT management, though.

No, actually the person I meant in this newsgroup posting is a
different person than the blog entry. Although they both worked for
the same client and got along quite well. Understandably so.

I was told that I'd been called "A cowboy" by one of them. I was a
bit upset for a moment and then became quite proud of that comment. I
figure I'm one of the leaders so being a "cowboy" is about right.

I was also told that the above mentioned person, a mid to senior level
manager, was fired and escorted out by security guards. So I felt
quite vindicated in my opinion of him.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog - http://msmvps.com/blogs/access/

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