Frontpage Publishing Security


Steve Arndt

Frontpage was just added to my PC from another user's PC. When I try to
publish, it asks for my username and password. Problem is I don't know the
password and the user no longer works for us. How can I get/reset the

I logged on to the web server on the domain. Under server management, I see
that the user has an account on the web server that is labeled as a
frontpage account. And when I right click on the account it has a change
password option. Can I use this to force the reset of the password?

Also, frontpage extensions have been installed on the server. Can I do
anything with these to force a reset/change?



Steve Arndt said:
Frontpage was just added to my PC from another user's PC. When I try to
publish, it asks for my username and password. Problem is I don't know
password and the user no longer works for us. How can I get/reset the

In the "Manage My Computer" area on the server.
I logged on to the web server on the domain. Under server management, I
that the user has an account on the web server that is labeled as a
frontpage account. And when I right click on the account it has a change
password option. Can I use this to force the reset of the password?

Yes, that is the proper way to do it. I might go so far as to remove the
account, then using the SharePoint Administrator (control panel |
administrative tools) to create a different account.

That former user has one part of a two part login (the username) which makes
it vastly easier to guess new passwords and get back in should they want to.
Also, frontpage extensions have been installed on the server. Can I do
anything with these to force a reset/change?

You mean, like the "make user reset password after 90 days" stuff? No. Not
easily, the problem is the user wont have a way to do that without adding
third party programs, or logging into the server GUI itself.


Sorry have replied for a few days. Other issues.

I reset the password for the old account. No difference. Reset the
username and password for another account that wasn't being used. No
difference. Used the administrator password for the server. Works if you
enter the password, then shutdown and re-open FP and re-start the publish
process again. Don't find Sharepoint Administrator in Control Panel under
Administrative tools.

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