Frontpage and Powerpoint



I am using Frontpage 2002 to host a range of presentations
in Powerpoint 2000.
This consists of 5 main navigation menus which lead to
individual powerpoint presentations.
The idea being that the user can navigate their way around
a suite of presentations.
When a presentation is chosen from a frontpage menu a
powerpoint presentation is viewed and slide changes are
made via powerpoint internal hyperlinks.
This works for the first choice of presentation.
However when we return to the frontpage menu and another
powerpoint presentation is chose, the internal powerpoint
hyperlinks fail on the second slide change and the scroll
bar has to be used. Once this is used the hyperlinks work
perfectly until we return to a frontpage menu and the
problem returns.
Has anyone experienced this problem or have any ideas to

Many Thanks

Kevin Spencer

I'm lost. FrontPage is a development toolkit, not a program for displaying
documents. FrontPage creates web sites and web pages. The only "menu" you
can see when viewing a FrontPage web is the Internet Explorer menu. So,
perhaps you could try asking your question again, but rephrasing it?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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