Freezing WinPE (WinPEShl.ini)




I tried something... let me explain...

I need to get rid of the &?"$/% DOS box...

So I've created a compiled AutoIt script ( to run
commands before launching my VB6 application...

And changed my winpeshl.ini to this instead...

AppPath = %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\loader.exe

I added those commands...

regsvr32 /s netcfgx.dll
factory -minint
netcfg -v -winpe
net start dhcp
net start nla

It work almost fine, but the computer freeze while it runs factory -minint

I tried to put %comspec% /c [command]

this also %comspec% /c Start /I /Wait [command]

Freezing all the time when it run factory -minint

So I tried to change my winpeshl.ini to this instead...

AppPath = %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\cmd.exe

and I run manually each command, it work as good as required...

So I've created a starter.bat containing the commands...

I event tried to compile the .bat in a .com with this tool...
and run it directly using Winpeshl.ini
Nothing work

My loader run the starter.bat and the computer freeze while it runs factory

What the %?(*$ is going on???

Even If I only try to run this from my loader...

factory -winpe

it freezes on "Starting Networking"

How can I solve my problem?

Thanks a lot...


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