FP98 and apache servers


Steve Easton

Just a note.
If you are an FP98 user hosting on Apache / UNIX
servers, when they upgrade the Extensions to
FP2002 sp1.1 you will no longer be able to access your
webs using FP98.
There is NO fix in the works at this time.


( thanks to Jim Cheshire for showing me where to find the answer )


Steve Easton

Well, my hosting company is great.

As for upgrade, my home machine is a Dual Boot
Win95B / FP98 - Win2K PRO / FP2002
so I'm not "dead in the water" so to speak.
The only site it effects is my "hobby" site which I
built and maintain with Win95 / FP98.
So, I'm going to open the server in CPanel and image / print
the .htaccess, service.pwd, service.grp, and _vti_inf.html files.
( one of the great things about Apache and CPanel )
Then I'm going to launch a packet sniffer and a registry monitor,
try to open the web in Win95 / FP98 and record the activity.
Then I'm going to reboot into 2K / FP2002 launch the same utilities
and publish some updates to the web for the first time using FP2002.
I'll then compare the differences and pass the info to RTR software, and
also see if the solution is as simple as modifying a file or spoofing the
version info.

Steve Easton


Yep it sure would.

But I just can't seem to shake the "leftovers" from
25 years in Naval Aviation, making old stuff work
like it was new.
( Example: those shiny blue jets you see at the air show
are probably 10 to 12 years old. The ones I "maintained"
in 80-81 were built in the late 60's )


Jim Cheshire

:) Okay. Well, good luck to you!

Jim Cheshire
Jimco Add-ins
Add-ins for FrontPage 2000-2003
Co-author of Special Edition
Using Microsoft FrontPage 2003

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