fp2002 column titles not displayed nor page names HELP



I started with fp2002 beta, then upgraded with office xp
w/frontpage. updated to service pack 2. then
uninstalled beta.

Opening my beta started/made web site, when I click on
folders view the folders and page names are not
displayed. I see Icons only. I also cannot rename my
pages nor are the column titles displayed. I cannot
right click the blank column name to customize or click
it to sort my view. I've been looking for 5 hours
through all the help on frontpage and at support. I
completely uninstalled everything and reinstalled office
xp w/frontpage with no luck yet. Anyone have suggestions?

Stefan B Rusynko

Try the usual repairs
1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
3) Run a Repair / Reinstall on FP & IE (make sure your virus scan is shut off)

If you uninstalled "All" you should have uninstalled in the reverse sequence of install
SP 2,1, MSO XP, Trial

There is no FP2002 Beta (only a FP2003 BETA)

| I started with fp2002 beta, then upgraded with office xp
| w/frontpage. updated to service pack 2. then
| uninstalled beta.
| Opening my beta started/made web site, when I click on
| folders view the folders and page names are not
| displayed. I see Icons only. I also cannot rename my
| pages nor are the column titles displayed. I cannot
| right click the blank column name to customize or click
| it to sort my view. I've been looking for 5 hours
| through all the help on frontpage and at support. I
| completely uninstalled everything and reinstalled office
| xp w/frontpage with no luck yet. Anyone have suggestions?

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