FP does not detect FPSE when publishing to host.



My FP program produces a warning message when I try to
publish my web to the hosting server. The message states
that the server is not running FPSE. But, the server IS
running FPSE, or so they claim. I have had the hosting
service reinstall FPSE several times but, each attemp to
publish results in the same message. I am trying to use
the FP 'guest book' and 'feedback' pages. The shared
borders feature works fine. HELP!!!!!
My URL is http://mhsrodis.com
Hosting Service: Sleekhost.com
FP: FP2002
Oper. Sys: MS XP Pro

Thomas A. Rowe

Please provide your exact steps that you take when attempting to publish
from the time you start FP.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

According to your site at http://mhsrodis.com/_vti_inf.html
You are running the FP2002 SE (FPVersion="")

Make sure you try publishing using File Publish web http://www.mhsrodis.com/

| My FP program produces a warning message when I try to
| publish my web to the hosting server. The message states
| that the server is not running FPSE. But, the server IS
| running FPSE, or so they claim. I have had the hosting
| service reinstall FPSE several times but, each attemp to
| publish results in the same message. I am trying to use
| the FP 'guest book' and 'feedback' pages. The shared
| borders feature works fine. HELP!!!!!
| My URL is http://mhsrodis.com
| Hosting Service: Sleekhost.com
| FP: FP2002
| Oper. Sys: MS XP Pro

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