Font Size Too Large



My font size for webpages is now INSANELY large, how can
i change it back to the default size?


Daniel said:
My font size for webpages is now INSANELY large, how can
i change it back to the default size?

On your IE top bar Click on "View" and "Text Size" and choose your font
If you have a scroll mouse and you are running IE6, you can also reduce the
text size by holing down the "Control" button on your keyboard and rolling
the wheel away from you to reduce the size or towards you to increase.

bob bell

-----Original Message-----
My font size for webpages is now INSANELY large, how can
i change it back to the default size?
Check Start> Control Panel> Accessibility options>
Display Tab > High Contrast check box. This can get
turned on by a keystroke combination by mistake and cause
drastic color/font web page issues.

Try IE menu Tools> Internet Options> General Tab>
Accessibility button and select ignore font sizes.

Also, if you have adjusted your display settings--perhaps
due to having a high-resolution monitor, change all your
settings back to default to see if that makes a
difference--ie font dpi, font/icon size, etc.


Frank Tolstyka

I also had this problem. I would have never of thought to look in the system
accessibilty options. Worked like a charm. Thanks

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