Floppy drive (A:) is accessed when Windows Explorer is opened



I have searched high and low for an answer to this issue with no joy.
I've found lots of ideas but nothing that has worked.

Every time I open Windows Explorer, my floppy drive does a quick
access ONCE. Explorer works fine otherwise.

Also with one program, Trojan Hunter, it tries to access the floppy
drive at startup and I must cancel that action SEVEN times before it
will finally stop complaining that I don't have a disk in the floppy

I suspect that these two actions- Explorer and Trojan Hunter are
somehow related to the same root cause. I have pursued this issue in
the Trojan Hunter forums with no success.

Here is what I have tried so far:

I searched the registry for any reference to a file or action
involving the A: drive. None found.

I have searched for .pif and .lnk files that reference the A: drive.
None found.

I have cleaned out the recent document list. No help.

I have looked in my autoexec.bat file for A: references. Found none.

I have tried all the possible solutions as described in Kelly's
Corner. Nothing I've tried works.

I have searched the MS Knowledge base but not found anything that

BTW, I have not used the A: drive for quite some time, but I also have
had this floppy access issue when opening explorer for a very long

I'm still searching for a solution, but after several hours on this I
am running out of ideas.

Can anyone help me?

TIA, Rich


On the start menu, open the Search item to local files and folders. Click
"Change Preferences". You might have the option selected to 'index' files.


On the start menu, open the Search item to local files and folders. Click
"Change Preferences". You might have the option selected to 'index' files.

Yes, I did have indexing selected but un-selecting did not help the

Steve Swift

Yes, I did have indexing selected but un-selecting did not help the

If you rarely use the diskette drive then you can probably disable it in
your BIOS settings. You can always re-enable it if you find a diskette.

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