Firefox 1.5 released


Vrodok the Troll

Yes; I admitted my error. But, pray tell, what was your commentary (I see
nothing other than re-posting of text by others; no addition)?

I didn't find it necessary to add some comment. I was merely trying to
point out to Vegard (to whom (?) my reply was directed) that the
directory wasn't gone. Of course, I could have added "Dear Vegard,
it's not gone, look here: [insert link].", but I was hoping he would
get the picture without the comment.

Ah. Okay then [expected anger-outburst squelched]. Don't mind me...


Azzman said:
Only one of my extensions is compatible with 1.5 (IETabs).
Flashblock ? Not compatible
Undoclosetab? Not compatible
Cookieculler ? Not compatible
Imagezoomer ? Not compatible
Text Size Toolbar? Not compatible

I thought we usually had to wait for the extension developers to catch up
to the new version. Isn't it too soon to bewail their loss?


-- has a Frappr group! Go see what we look like:

There was a young woman named Jenny
Whose limericks weren't worth a penny.
Her rhythm and rhyme
Were perfectly fine,
But whenever she tried to write any,
She always had one line too many.

Captain Video

I just downloaded it and it seems it is not the 1.5 final --- but
build 2005111116

MajorGeeks now has Firefox 1.5 on their site:
Author: The Mozilla Organization
**Date: 2005-11-29**
Size: 5.1 Mb
License: Freeware
Requires: Win All
Downloaded: 173732 Times"

I clicked "Download from Authors site" to compare the installer/exe/mb
size to the fileforum/betanews mb size:

Both are exactly 5.103 mb's which leads me to believe, unless someone
can prove otherwise, that both are the final 1.5 version. Majorgeeks
and Betanews will jeopardize their credibility as download sites if
they're offering some previous version advertised as the "11/29/05"
1.5 final with no 'RC' in the tag.

I'm going to download 1.5 final at Mozilla firefox's site when they
get around to hosting it, just in case, and if that exe/installer
differs in size from 5.103 mb's-- I'll never trust MajorGeeks or
Betanews again. Count on it.



I thought we usually had to wait for the extension developers to catch
up to the new version. Isn't it too soon to bewail their loss?

Of course it is, just the heat of the moment.

Dan Goodman

It is now.

but already here:


Dan Goodman
Clutterers Anonymous unofficial community
Predictions and Politics
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.

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