Find the last row using 2 to 20 criteria



The worksheet looks like this:

Column A Column B Column C

1 3 21
5 8 26
16 21 37
1 19 49
2 37 41
3 21 51

The actual worksheet features 23 columns like the ones depicted above (A,
B, C),
and also features 205,000 rows of data.
However, you may want to answer only in regards to the smaller table
found above-and we'll take it from there.

The question:
How does one find the last row featuring say, the numbers 3 & 21?
In the example above, the last row is row 6.

Note the following:
Whatever formula is to be used CANNOT use a single column as its
reference. This because, any number can appear in any column.
Ex: The number 3 may appear in either column A, B or C (and actually in
another 21 columns of the actual worksheet).
Also, instead of finding a row featuring only 2 numbers (Ex: numbers 3
& 12), there needs to be a way of also finding the LAST row featuring up to
12 chosen numbers. Ex: Find which is the last row which contains the
following numbers:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.
Lastly, we are using Office 2007 (using multiple cores) and a very
powerful, quad-core cpu; this, in reference to the power demand of using such
array formulas...
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

P.S. The closest we've come to the answer looks like this (Array formula):

This formula would work if the number 3 appeared only under column A...

HOWEVER: This formula will not work because the reference to the first #
(number 3) is made only in regards to column A. Instead, it should've refered
to A1:C6-which is impossible in this formula.


Assuming that A1:W205000 contains the data, and Y1:AJ1 contains the 12
chosen numbers, try...




Note that these formulas need to be confirmed with CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER.


Try this (array formula)

=MAX(IF(ISERROR(FIND("-" & A2:C7 &"-","-3-21-49-22-")),0, ROW(A2:C7)))

Use CTRL+SHIFT+Enter instead of Enter


If the data you are looking for are
evenly allocated among your table
then a public function might be faster.

Public Function LastRow(xTab As Range, xCriteria As String) As Long

'xRange is the range of data ex: A2W25000
'xCriteria are the numbers to find in Xrange
'xCriteria is a string like "_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_10_12_14_16_"

'The function could be called by:

Dim xI As Long, xJ As Long, xLastRow As Long, xLastCol As Long
Dim xFirstRow As Long, xFirstColumn As Long


LastRow = 0
xFirstRow = xTab.Row
xFirstColumn = xTab.Column
xLastRow = xTab.Row + xTab.Rows.Count - 1
xLastCol = xTab.Column + xTab.Columns.Count - 1

For xI = xLastRow To xFirstRow Step -1
For xJ = xLastCol To xFirstColumn Step -1
If InStr(xCriteria, "_" & Cells(xI, xJ) & "_") > 0 Then
LastRow = xI
Exit Function
End If
Next xJ
Next xI

End Function


Sorry, I did not correctly read your message:

My formula return the last row if at least one number or more of the numbers
to be found are in the row (and not all then numbers)


Sorry, I did not correctly read your message:

My function return the last row if at least one number or more of the
numbers to be found are in the row (and not all then numbers)


Positively fabulous answer.

Your assistance is very, very much appreciated.

I should send over a bottle of champagne...


Il y a un probleme: Je voudrais que les nombres (1,2,3,4,....) existe sur
une autre tableaux comme ca: Y1=1, Z1=2, AA=3....
Alors, je peux pas rechercher les nombres avec une "UDF", parce que ces
nombres doit pouvoir changer.

Votre "UDF" c'est admirable neanmois.
Merci beaucoup.


You're very welcome! I take it you caught the typo?


should be


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