Files Stored on This Computer



My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My Computer.
The only time this shows when I have Administrative Privileges. I have
looked in the Registry
(HKLM\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\docfolderpaths) and
the Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt are also
correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I have Windows XP Pro
SP2. If any could shed some light on this situation would be great and much


Mark L. Ferguson

Look over the entry at:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]



Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET command is type
in the command prompt.)

Mark L. Ferguson said:
Look over the entry at:

Shell Folders]
Derek said:
My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My
Computer. The only time this shows when I have Administrative Privileges.
I have looked in the Registry
and the Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt are also
correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I have Windows XP
Pro SP2. If any could shed some light on this situation would be great
and much appreciated.


Mark L. Ferguson

I don't see why you are not getting a My Documents in that case. Maybe there is something out in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

Derek said:
Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET command is type in the command prompt.)

Mark L. Ferguson said:
Look over the entry at:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]

Derek said:
My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My Computer. The only time this shows when I have Administrative
Privileges. I have looked in the Registry (HKLM\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\docfolderpaths) and the
Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt are also correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I have
Windows XP Pro SP2. If any could shed some light on this situation would be great and much appreciated.




All the following values in
Folders appear to be correct.

I believe this might be a permission problem. When I change the limited or
power user to an Administrator, the "My Documents" show up in the "Files
Stored on This Computer". I have been comparing another system to this
system's permissions and so far everything appears to be correct. I think it
might be a Registry permission problem. Do you know of anyway of resetting
NTFS permissions? Would an repair install correct NTFS permissions?

The users can still create files in their documents folders and when I type
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents in the Run command, their Document Folder Window
will appear.

I didn't even notice this problem until the user pointed this out to me, so
I do not know how long this has been happening. I do not think it is a big
problem since the user still has access to their folder. I also browed
through the Group Policies to see if anything was causing this, I also look
at these two key and found nothing.


I am just curious what happened and once again thanks for helping me.


Mark L. Ferguson said:
I don't see why you are not getting a My Documents in that case. Maybe
there is something out in:

Derek said:
Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET command is
type in the command prompt.)

Mark L. Ferguson said:
Look over the entry at:

Shell Folders]
My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My
Computer. The only time this shows when I have Administrative
Privileges. I have looked in the Registry
and the Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt are
also correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I have
Windows XP Pro SP2. If any could shed some light on this situation
would be great and much appreciated.


Mark L. Ferguson

I would guess the user has elected to 'make this folder private'

HOW TO Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP:;EN-US;Q308421

Derek said:

All the following values in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders appear to be

I believe this might be a permission problem. When I change the limited or power user to an Administrator, the "My Documents" show
up in the "Files Stored on This Computer". I have been comparing another system to this system's permissions and so far everything
appears to be correct. I think it might be a Registry permission problem. Do you know of anyway of resetting NTFS permissions?
Would an repair install correct NTFS permissions?

The users can still create files in their documents folders and when I type %USERPROFILE%\My Documents in the Run command, their
Document Folder Window will appear.

I didn't even notice this problem until the user pointed this out to me, so I do not know how long this has been happening. I do
not think it is a big problem since the user still has access to their folder. I also browed through the Group Policies to see if
anything was causing this, I also look at these two key and found nothing.


I am just curious what happened and once again thanks for helping me.


Mark L. Ferguson said:
I don't see why you are not getting a My Documents in that case. Maybe there is something out in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

Derek said:
Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET command is type in the command prompt.)

Look over the entry at:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]

My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My Computer. The only time this shows when I have
Administrative Privileges. I have looked in the Registry
(HKLM\software\Microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\docfolderpaths) and the Values are correct. The Set values in the
command prompt are also correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I have Windows XP Pro SP2. If any could shed
some light on this situation would be great and much appreciated.


Wesley Vogel

TweakUI installed?
[+] My Computer
My Computer Icons
Files Stored on This Computer

Does this key exist??

Computer\NameSpace\ DelegateFolders


This one?
0 or 1
0 = Shared Documents
1 = NO Shared Documents

Shared Documents Folders Are Missing From My Computer;en-us;319825

Read all of it, there is a WORKAROUND.

Value Name: Your Name
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\My Documents

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Derek said:

All the following values in
Folders appear to be correct.

I believe this might be a permission problem. When I change the
limited or power user to an Administrator, the "My Documents" show up
in the "Files Stored on This Computer". I have been comparing another
system to this system's permissions and so far everything appears to
be correct. I think it might be a Registry permission problem. Do you
know of anyway of resetting NTFS permissions? Would an repair install
correct NTFS permissions?

The users can still create files in their documents folders and when
I type %USERPROFILE%\My Documents in the Run command, their Document
Folder Window will appear.

I didn't even notice this problem until the user pointed this out to
me, so I do not know how long this has been happening. I do not think
it is a big problem since the user still has access to their folder.
I also browed through the Group Policies to see if anything was
causing this, I also look at these two key and found nothing.


I am just curious what happened and once again thanks for helping me.


Mark L. Ferguson said:
I don't see why you are not getting a My Documents in that case.
Maybe there is something out in:

Derek said:
Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET
command is type in the command prompt.)

Look over the entry at:

Shell Folders]
My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My
Computer. The only time this shows when I have Administrative
Privileges. I have looked in the Registry
and the Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt
are also correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I
have Windows XP Pro SP2. If any could shed some light on this
situation would be great and much appreciated.




I do not have Tweak UI installed.

This key DOES exist
Computer\NameSpace\ DelegateFolders

{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee},. Would the following exported info
be correct in this key,
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



In the
there is a NoSharedDocuments but it is a REG_BINARY with a value of 00 00 00

In all users the Shared Documents does show under My Computer in the "Files
Stored on This Computer". Their My Documents does not unless they are given
Administrative Privileges.

In the following key

All information is correct, for example, if the User Logon name is Joe then
Value Name is Joe and the Value Dad is c:\documents and settings\Joe\My

In the KB Article,
Shared Documents Folders Are Missing From My Computer;en-us;319825

The Desktop.ini is correct under [DeleteOnCopy].


Wesley Vogel said:
TweakUI installed?
[+] My Computer
My Computer Icons
Files Stored on This Computer

Does this key exist??

Computer\NameSpace\ DelegateFolders


This one?
0 or 1
0 = Shared Documents
1 = NO Shared Documents

Shared Documents Folders Are Missing From My Computer;en-us;319825

Read all of it, there is a WORKAROUND.

Value Name: Your Name
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\My Documents

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Derek said:

All the following values in
Folders appear to be correct.

I believe this might be a permission problem. When I change the
limited or power user to an Administrator, the "My Documents" show up
in the "Files Stored on This Computer". I have been comparing another
system to this system's permissions and so far everything appears to
be correct. I think it might be a Registry permission problem. Do you
know of anyway of resetting NTFS permissions? Would an repair install
correct NTFS permissions?

The users can still create files in their documents folders and when
I type %USERPROFILE%\My Documents in the Run command, their Document
Folder Window will appear.

I didn't even notice this problem until the user pointed this out to
me, so I do not know how long this has been happening. I do not think
it is a big problem since the user still has access to their folder.
I also browed through the Group Policies to see if anything was
causing this, I also look at these two key and found nothing.


I am just curious what happened and once again thanks for helping me.


Mark L. Ferguson said:
I don't see why you are not getting a My Documents in that case.
Maybe there is something out in:

Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET
command is type in the command prompt.)

Look over the entry at:

Shell Folders]
My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in My
Computer. The only time this shows when I have Administrative
Privileges. I have looked in the Registry
and the Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt
are also correct. Other users on the machine are also affected. I
have Windows XP Pro SP2. If any could shed some light on this
situation would be great and much appreciated.


Wesley Vogel


I can find 25 references to deleting this key to get rid of Shared
Documents. I can't find what this key should contain.


TweakUI uses this key...


To add Files stored on this computer to My Computer.

To remove Files stored on this computer from My Computer.

Group Policy...
Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Explorer\
Remove Shared Documents from My Computer

[[Removes the Shared Documents folders from My Computer.

When a Windows client in is a workgroup, a Shared Documents icon appears in
the Windows Explorer Web view under "Other Places" and also under "Files
Stored on This Computer" in My Computer. Using this policy setting, you can
choose not to have these items displayed.

If you enable this setting, the Shared Documents folders is not displayed in
the Web view or in My Computer.

If you disable or do not configure this setting, the Shared Documents
folders is displayed in Web view and also in My Computer when the client is
part of a workgroup.]]

The Not Configured setting removes NoSharedDocuments from...

The Enabled setting adds "NoSharedDocuments"=dword:00000001 to...

Beats me. ;-(

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Derek said:

I do not have Tweak UI installed.

This key DOES exist
Computer\NameSpace\ DelegateFolders

{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee},. Would the following exported
info be correct in this key,
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



In the
there is a NoSharedDocuments but it is a REG_BINARY with a value of
00 00 00

In all users the Shared Documents does show under My Computer in the
"Files Stored on This Computer". Their My Documents does not unless
they are given Administrative Privileges.

In the following key

All information is correct, for example, if the User Logon name is
Joe then Value Name is Joe and the Value Dad is c:\documents and
settings\Joe\My Documents.

In the KB Article,
Shared Documents Folders Are Missing From My Computer;en-us;319825

The Desktop.ini is correct under [DeleteOnCopy].


Wesley Vogel said:
TweakUI installed?
[+] My Computer
My Computer Icons
Files Stored on This Computer

Does this key exist??

Computer\NameSpace\ DelegateFolders


This one?
0 or 1
0 = Shared Documents
1 = NO Shared Documents

Shared Documents Folders Are Missing From My Computer;en-us;319825

Read all of it, there is a WORKAROUND.

Value Name: Your Name
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name Here\My Documents

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

Derek said:

All the following values in
Folders appear to be correct.

I believe this might be a permission problem. When I change the
limited or power user to an Administrator, the "My Documents" show
up in the "Files Stored on This Computer". I have been comparing
another system to this system's permissions and so far everything
appears to be correct. I think it might be a Registry permission
problem. Do you know of anyway of resetting NTFS permissions? Would
an repair install correct NTFS permissions?

The users can still create files in their documents folders and when
I type %USERPROFILE%\My Documents in the Run command, their Document
Folder Window will appear.

I didn't even notice this problem until the user pointed this out to
me, so I do not know how long this has been happening. I do not
think it is a big problem since the user still has access to their
folder. I also browed through the Group Policies to see if anything
was causing this, I also look at these two key and found nothing.


I am just curious what happened and once again thanks for helping


I don't see why you are not getting a My Documents in that case.
Maybe there is something out in:
Thank-you for helping, and here is the results....
Personal= %USERPROFILE%\My Documents
%USERPROFILE%=c:\documents and settings\<user> (when the SET
command is type in the command prompt.)

Look over the entry at:
Shell Folders]
My Documents do not show under "Files Stored on My Computer" in
My Computer. The only time this shows when I have Administrative
Privileges. I have looked in the Registry
and the Values are correct. The Set values in the command prompt
are also correct. Other users on the machine are also affected.
I have Windows XP Pro SP2. If any could shed some light on this
situation would be great and much appreciated.


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