File searched on CD found ... on C: drive !


Mike S.

Hi !

After a disk failure, I just installed XP (Home) on a brand new drive. All
SPs and patched are applied.

I wanted to restore some files I had previously saved on a CD. (luckyly, I
burned the whole "Documents and Settings" folder the day before the drive

I used the "Find files" to retrieve a specific file on the CD (F: drive).
Strangely enough, the file is found, but in the following folder:

"C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD

while it is actually in:

It looks like F: is replaced by:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD

This doesn't make sense because:
1) Exploring this folder (the one on drive C:..) shows it is empty
2) I triple checked that the search scope was limited to the CD drive (F:)

My questions are:
- is this normal ? (I guess not !)
- why is it so ?
- is there anything I can do / check to make the search result show the
actual folder ?


Mike S.

I just made some tests with different CDs and different drives and found
that the problem shows if the CD is on my CD burner (doesn't happen when it
is in the CR-ROM) and the long folder name on C:.. shows only with files
that are not on the root directory...

Hope this could help explain the mystery.. :)

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