Fax - Various Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
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Attempting FAX for 1st time:

Using the FAX console only appears to put a cover page together.
It does not appear to allow you to set a directory for your faxes and
link this directory to the cover page.

I also found that I can click a picture file (save tiff) and this will
invoke the
FAX viewer, but it appears there is no way to link multiple faxes to the
cover page.

1) Is there a way to set a default FAX directory?

2) Is there a way to set a default FAX directory
which will then send only those documents in this directory?

3) Is there anyway to get a listing of all documents in the "FAX pool"
(hopefully there is one) that are set to be FAXed?

4) Clicking on a picture (*.tiff for example) brings up the FAX viewer
which appears to ultimately get you to the FAX cover for Faxing.
Is there anyway to select and mark all documents to be FAXed
prior to FAX viewer appearing?

David said:
Attempting FAX for 1st time:

Using the FAX console only appears to put a cover page together.
It does not appear to allow you to set a directory for your faxes and
link this directory to the cover page.

I also found that I can click a picture file (save tiff) and this will
invoke the
FAX viewer, but it appears there is no way to link multiple faxes to the
cover page.

1) Is there a way to set a default FAX directory?

2) Is there a way to set a default FAX directory
which will then send only those documents in this directory?

3) Is there anyway to get a listing of all documents in the "FAX pool"
(hopefully there is one) that are set to be FAXed?

4) Clicking on a picture (*.tiff for example) brings up the FAX viewer
which appears to ultimately get you to the FAX cover for Faxing.
Is there anyway to select and mark all documents to be FAXed
prior to FAX viewer appearing?


Windows XP Fax Services is a pretty rudimentary application.

1 & 2. It is not clear what you mean by a "fax directory." Basically,
there are 3 ways to send a fax.

You can send a single page fax, which incorporates the cover page, a
subject line, and a relatively brief note. You do this by invoking the
Send Fax Wizard (Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications >
Send a fax.

You can fax a *single* document. You do this by opening the document in
your word processor or document viewer of choice (e.g., Word, Notepad,
Acrobat Reader), and choosing "Fax" in the Print dialog. This also opens
the Send Fax Wizard. This method works for images as well as
"documents." If you can print something to a local printer, you can fax it.

You can send a fax from Outlook by specifying a fax number instead of an
email address. I've never done this, so I'm not familiar with the details.

3. It's also not clear what you mean by a "fax pool." Faxes can be
scheduled for transmission some time after you create them. All faxes
that are awaiting transmission should appear in the Outbox viewable in
the Fax Console.

4. Faxes (sent, received, or to be sent) are stored as tif files. The
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer normally is the default application for
viewing tif files. The Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (or whatever
application is set as the default application for viewing tif files)
will open when you double click a tif file, whether that file is a fax
or not. With respect to the last sentence of your # 4, see response to
point #3 above.

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Your response helps to clear up a
few things.

The logic for Faxing is definitely different than what I anticipated.
My process would have been:
1) Create or select a user FAX directory (folder).
2) Create the FAX documents (either using an MS Application or
by scanning in the document).
3) Cut / Paste all documents to be Faxed to the FAX directory (folder)
OR have a option (e.g. treeview) in the Fax Application to select the
directory (folder) where Faxes reside.

NOTE: the directory/folder where the faxes reside is what I
am referring to as a "Fax pool").

4) Prepare cover page in Fax Application.
5) Send Faxes.

FollowUp Questions:

I can't seem to find the FAX "outbox"?
Is it static (like a directory/folder) or is it dynamic
when a document is selected for Faxing?

Hopefully by cut/paste documents to the "outbox" you can assemble all
documents (pictures) to be faxed under one cover page.
The simplest way to understand XP Fax is to open the Fax Console (Start
All Programs > Accessories > Communications > Fax > Fax Console)

The Fax Console looks like a Windows Explorer window:

Faxes appear in the Outbox after they are created by the Send Fax
Wizard. As soon as they are sent, they are moved to the Sent Items folder.

AFAIK, you can't just put items into the outbox (i.e., queue) and expect
them to be faxed. You definitely can't "assemble" multiple documents
into a single fax. That's why I wrote in my previous post that "You can
fax a *single* document." In order to fax multiple documents, combine
them into a single document using some other application and then fax
that combined document. Windows XP Fax Services itself can't do this.

In addition to allowing you to view faxes (received and sent), the Fax
Console is where you go to configure various things related to faxing
and is where the Help for faxing is located.

FYI, the fax folders are located in C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MSFax but I suggest that you
not attempt to mess with them.