Fat32 to NTFS



retro_cal said:
ok, so are there any benefits in using NTFS over fat32??
I was told to select NTFS as it is more stable than fat32 but I would
like to hear you opinions

the only reason for using fat32 is if you need fat32 for some reason

convert /fs:ntfs

press ya to the questsions, reboot, sorted

John Lewis

Is there an easy way to convert Fat32 to NTFS whilst windows is already
I can't recall seeing the option to chose which file system I wanted when
loading XP onto my pc.


Use Partition Magic. An indispensible software tool for those building
or tinkering with PCs. Now at version 8.01.

John Lewis

- HAL9000

If you have any floppy disks that you can boot from, don't expect to
be able to see your NTFS formatted hard disk from the floppy.

It would be hard to expect NTFS to be more stable in any condition
other than an (1) errored and (2) multiuser condition.


Motherboard Help By HAL web site:

Richard Hopkins

It's a five, it's a middle card, are you going higher or lower?

Richard Hopkins
Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
(replace nospam with pipex in reply address)

The UK's leading technology reseller www.dabs.com


that was the hard way!


Thomas Geery
Network+ certified

ftp://geerynet.d2g.com Abit Mirror <----- Cable modem IP
This IP is dynamic so it *could* change!...
over 130,000 FTP users served!


that was the hard way!

Drag and drop isn't hard. Of course, I didn't know about the conversion
tool, either. Plus I don't trust a procedure that tells me to back up my
data before proceeding. It makes me think something could go wrong. :)

For ages now, I've been meaning to lump all my "crucial data" in one
directory. I would then burn that directory to a CD-R once a week and
throw out the next oldest CD-R. All the other stuff I could lose. It
wouldn't make me happy, but I could "rebuild". :)





Thomas Geery
Network+ certified

ftp://geerynet.d2g.com Abit Mirror <----- Cable modem IP
This IP is dynamic so it *could* change!...
over 130,000 FTP users served!


I won't say the tool is infallible but I have used it several times without
issue. even a look at the help files associated with Partition Magic 8.x
says that PM uses the MS convert utility to make the conversion from FAT to


Thomas Geery
Network+ certified

ftp://geerynet.d2g.com Abit Mirror <----- Cable modem IP
This IP is dynamic so it *could* change!...
over 130,000 FTP users served!

Mac Cool

Plus I don't trust a procedure that tells me to back up my
data before proceeding. It makes me think something could go wrong. :)

It's supposed to make you think that.

John Lewis

V8.01, according to the following (today) ...............


Did Powerquest issue a later patch before being absorbed by Symantec ?
And if so, why is 8.05 not on the Symantec website.... maybe it had a
bug ? Partition Magic 8.0 is now a current Symantec product.
BTW, PM8.0 is a sale item at Fry's through the end of Tuesday
- net $0 for those updating from a previous version of PM, $39.99 for
everybody else IIRC.

John Lewis

Lester Piglet

Or you could just do this.............

Standard Windows utility that is called CONVERT serves this purpose

Just go to the Command Prompt and execute the command:

C:\> CONVERT C: /fs:ntfs
Where C: is a name of the drive you want to convert.

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