Explorer Malfunction!



internet explorer - think version 6, ( not my system) when explorer is
opend up, it flashes up on screen for a moment - then closes!
I don't have access to the system - daughters system and not nearby,
I thought the easiest fix will be to initiate windows update - it's
not been done for "some time" - or wait till it's available on a cd
~~~ but win'update via the net I doubt will work - it's got to have
explorer active to connect - and might even be doubtful to run from a
CD for the same reason....
wondering if I got her to install firefox - so question is.... will
that be Ok to go to and initiate Windows Update?..... just wondering
if winUpdate checks to see if your using Explorer or not - and if
it'll let you in via Firefox?

Bill in Co.

No, the easiest fix would be to use System Restore back to the point it was
working (but she'll lose any apps installed since then). If it isn't
working now, the right approach is NOT to go to Windows Update, but to fix
the problem, first.


No, the easiest fix would be to use System Restore back to the point it was
working (but she'll lose any apps installed since then).   If it isn't
working now, the right approach is NOT to go to Windows Update, but to fix
the problem, first.
yeah~ cept that might be tricky - I'v just been to IE7 website and I
see the IE7 is available to download as an installable EXE ! now that
might just do the trick! assuming of course whatever the problem is -
IS something to do with explorer itself and not some other file it
uses that may not be part of the install package. ..
might get her to run ~ whatsit again??... sfc ? the file checker?
and yep - if theres a restore point - might be worth a go! though I
think it's been some time since she had the internet - only recently
got connected, 1st time back on for maybe a year or so. so no telling
when IE went wonkie , then there's always "install xp" using
'repair' option....
one of these is bound to work~ hope so anyway!

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

neutrino said:
internet explorer - think version 6, ( not my system) when explorer is
opend up, it flashes up on screen for a moment - then closes!
I don't have access to the system - daughters system and not nearby,
I thought the easiest fix will be to initiate windows update - it's
not been done for "some time" - or wait till it's available on a cd
~~~ but win'update via the net I doubt will work - it's got to have
explorer active to connect - and might even be doubtful to run from a
CD for the same reason....
wondering if I got her to install firefox - so question is.... will
that be Ok to go to and initiate Windows Update?..... just wondering
if winUpdate checks to see if your using Explorer or not - and if
it'll let you in via Firefox?

Do a thorough check for malware, following all of the steps at one of these
Web pages.
Help with malware:
All MS-MVP Sites.

Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by deceptive software.

So How Did I Get Infected Anyway?
For quite a few people it's by installing programs like Messenger Plus,
whose ads for malware don't identify the malware as such and try to convince
you that you owe it to the author. See also:
Don't ever do a "default" install of anything. Always choose Custom and see
what else is being carried along. Don't install any extras you're not sure

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