expired certificates



I am having problems with the secuity alert pop-up. When
i visits sites such as hotmail or msn, I receive the
security pop up window telling me that the certificate has
expired or is not valid. When I view the certificate the
expiration dates run from 6/2003 to 6/2004 which tells me
it has not expired. I get this security pop up on alot of
other sites. Does anyone know why I keep getting these
pop-ups???? I have tried installing the certificate from
the secuity popup window and it tells me install complete
but when I visit the site again, I get the same message.

Smile Extender

Check your computer clock settings. Do you have correct time settings? Also
check time zone. I remember reading that that windows might have problems
whith specific time zones.


Thanks. It turns out the clock setting were wacked. I
have been operating back in 1990 oops. Thanks again

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