Wondering if anyone can help with this problem?
I am running Excel 2003 and after opening a previousl saved workbook,
when I select a worksheet and try to set the print area, print preview
or print then the worksheet freezes and I get the error message
"Microsoft Office Excel is not respomding"
I then have to close the programme
I can print fine from Word 2003.
Any suggestions as to the cause of the problem would be much
(Reply to address is a spam trap - pse reply to the group)
Wondering if anyone can help with this problem?
I am running Excel 2003 and after opening a previousl saved workbook,
when I select a worksheet and try to set the print area, print preview
or print then the worksheet freezes and I get the error message
"Microsoft Office Excel is not respomding"
I then have to close the programme
I can print fine from Word 2003.
Any suggestions as to the cause of the problem would be much
(Reply to address is a spam trap - pse reply to the group)