Error: Set up Cannot load keyboard layout file KBDUS.DLL



I am receiving the error of: Setup cannot load Keyboard layout file KBDUS.
Set up cannot continue. Shutdown or restart your computer.

This happens when I try to run the Windows XP Reinstallation CD.

I have a Dell Dimension 8200. I have called Dell Tech support and have on 4
occasions tried to resolve this situation. They haven't found a resolution.
Anyone out there have any recomendations on how to correct this problem?

Colin Barnhorst

I'm afraid this is a Dell problem and not an XP problem. Check your
keyboard connector and make sure it has not worked loose.


I have tried the keyboard. I even hookep up a different keyboard to see if
that was the problem. Still no success. Any other suggestions?


Colin Barnhorst said:
I'm afraid this is a Dell problem and not an XP problem. Check your
keyboard connector and make sure it has not worked loose.

Colin Barnhorst [MVP Windows - Virtual Machine]
(Reply to the group only unless otherwise requested)
hdovrhls said:
I am receiving the error of: Setup cannot load Keyboard layout file KBDUS.
Set up cannot continue. Shutdown or restart your computer.

This happens when I try to run the Windows XP Reinstallation CD.

I have a Dell Dimension 8200. I have called Dell Tech support and have on
occasions tried to resolve this situation. They haven't found a
Anyone out there have any recomendations on how to correct this problem?

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