Error in explorer/ntdll.dll



Hi all
Last week I formatted my HDD and reinstalled XP Pro. I deceided to revert to
SP1 after experiencing a few quirks with SP2. Within hours of the clean
install I found that windows explorer would crash virtually every time I try
to browse my computer, sometimes when opening a drive, sometimes when
opening a folder. I get an error message telling me that the fault lies
somewhere with ntdll.dll. I've swept the PC for malware ( I installed NAV
2005 and used the intelligent updater immediately after windows install) and
found nothing. Everything was fine untill I enabled automatic updates, and
installed four MS patches. Can't find anything specific on MS's support site
and wonder if anyone can give some advice as I really don't want to have to
reinstall again!
Thanks all


If a clean install crashes, the most likely suspect is hardware. Start by
running diagnostics on your hard drive. You should be able to get a
diagnostic package from the manufacturer.

If the maker of the PC offers diagnostic test for the PC, run those as well,
especially the memory tests. You may end up replacing memory or possibly the

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