Error I have never seen before



Background on this first.

A customer found a trojan horse, using spysweeper, but did nto write the
name down. They did state that the description told of a back door.
The main computer (on a LAN of 6 computers P2P) is a new Dell, with a
mirrored RAID setup. This computer now gets 2 "error" messages. The first,
states, "The space on the hard drive has decreased." There is an "ok" button.
Later a message comes up stating that "the space on hard disc has increased"
I have been unable to locate the source of the message, or how to check what
is happening to cause the message.
Various scans now come up clean, and changing firewalls did not correct the

Has anyone run into this, and is it caused by a trojan, or is it something
with the RAID, that I have never heard of before? Is it something that can be
Thanks for your help


Download the SATA hds MS-DOS utility and run the test(s) on the RAID
drives,usually you'll need to run 1 drive at a time for the utility to even
notice the SATA drive,unplug other.Disreguard the RAID configuration utility
even though 1 hd is missing,after both drives have been tested,replug both,
all will return as was with RAID.


Are there any Dell utilities running?
Are the msgs repeated when booting to Safe Mode?


There are several Dell utilities running in the background. Because the
messages come up once or twice a day, with no regularity at all, we were
unable to test this to see if it happens in safe mode.

Thank you for your help!


Iregular probs are a pain :( and as you know hard to diagnose.
Some spyware apps will report 'backdoor' when checking various AV files

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