error emailing pictures



can any1 help my pc crashed a few weeks ago and its now all sorted but i cant
seem to either open pictues attached in an email or send pictures by email
out of my pictures. It tells me this file does not have a program associated
with it for performing this action. create an association in the folder
options control panel. and. no profiles have been created. To create a new
profile use the mail icon in the control panel.
I have looked but cant find anything to help me


Sounds like you did not re-install the application you need to edit/view
picture file (Pic1.Jpg. image.bmps) Windows come with one built in but
perhaps there is a problem with the association Try this
Find the pic you wand to open, Right click it>> sub-menu will apear>> select
open with>> another submenu window will appear with a list of application
that should be able to open it> Select Paint (or what ever photo application
you prefer and you should be ok. If no list of application appear look at
the bottom of the submenu window and select Choose program another submenu
window will open with a list of programs, Select one of the recommeded
programs (like Paint) but before you click ok check the box that states
"Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" then clicl OK.
This changes and remembers the file assosciation you selelcted.

Alternate Fix is re-install your favorite Paint application (photoshop.
Paintshop ect)..This will repair the assocations for you


donna said:
can any1 help my pc crashed a few weeks ago and its now all sorted but i
seem to either open pictues attached in an email or send pictures by email
out of my pictures. It tells me this file does not have a program
with it for performing this action. create an association in the folder
options control panel. and. no profiles have been created. To create a new
profile use the mail icon in the control panel.
I have looked but cant find anything to help me

See if this helps,

Open the Run command on the Start Menu and type:

regsvr32 shimgvw.dll


dont ask me y but it seems to have sorted it self out its all working again
but thanks for the tips i will try them if it happens again


I take back my last email it is still not working but i used your advice and
had to change the settings in the link you told me about my pc had been set
to outlook office not just the normal one when i changed that it sent the
picture straight away thanks for the help



Hey, I'm havin the same problem as donna,I tried running the
regsvr32shimgvw.dll but comp can't find it? When attemting to mail photos
I'm getting the, create a profile thing?? Help!


Hey I just checked my mail icon in the control panel, it's blank where there
should be a profile??


ok I'm still foolin' with this, I ran the send mail thing from the article,
the error reads send mail.dll was found, the diir register was not??

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